Death doesn’t rest. It’s relentless in its pursuits. It has an insatiable hunger that is never satisfied. It is quick, you don’t see it coming even when you are expecting it and even when you’ve experienced it before, it still hits you like a ton of bricks every single time it crosses your path.
We say life is short; knowing that death doesn’t time its arrival. It’s an uninvited guest. The one you ignore when it’s knocking at your door.
The one whose calls you avoid and pretend doesn’t exist.
But it’s there.
It’s always there.
It feeds on your tears and leaves no time for grief before the next loss.
It’s like rolling thunder and unceasing rain.
Death doesn’t rest or becomes tired. It doesn’t need to take a break.
Death needs no invitation and it doesn’t need a seat at the table.
It simply shows up,
and commands an audience.
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