JanuWorry is what they call me Because when they see me coming All they do is worry Broke is what they call themselves when I visit because they didn’t keep any reserves for me when they were partying up a storm with December, as if that’s my fault! Long is how they describe me, saying they can’t wait until this 31-day visit is over and I am only a distant memory The only time they are excited is on the first day of my visit and even then they are riding on the wings of the month before They don’t know I feel sad, neglected, rejected, Hated even It isn’t easy to celebrate birthdays because everyone simply says, ‘I don’t have money’ This means those who are supposed to celebrate life with me, feel let down All everyone does is count down the days and plan for the rest of the calendar February,the month of love, with her heart-shaped chocolates and fluffy red teddy-bears April, celebration of Easter and new life, A time dedicated to the Messiah June, the long-awaited school holidays, even the kids enjoy that one and then of course my nemesis, December when everyone feels relieved the year has come to an end and they can rest and be happy And come together with Christmas carols and neatly wrapped gifts What they forget though is that I too offer gifts, A new start A clean slate A reset button An opportunity to forget the past if that is what is desired or required I offer strength, resilience, a chance to dream and hope again And get that budget right for next time and of course a reprieve from all that has happened the month before I am not JanuWorry, I am January. A chance to start again Despite my lack of popularity.
I desire You more, Lord More than I desire bread to touch my lips and fill my belly to give me the sensation of being satisfied I crave the satisfaction of Your presencewholly in my life I hungerdesperately after You alone For You alone to give me the bread of life For You alone to provide living waters I thirst after you, Lord For You alone are my sustenance My provider I will strip myself bare only to be covered and embraced by You. I want to forget everything the world has shoved down my throat Detox my spirit and be filled with You by You Always
Have you ever thought about the story of Jesus, really thought about it and Tried to put yourself in his shoes? Have you thought about how he was born into a humble family and home Stepping down from His heavenly throne He was never boastful or proud To give His life for others was His vow A king on a donkey Into Jerusalem He rode He walked amongst the earthly crowd Service became His sacrifice Despite being denied He was Not once, Not twice But thrice
Have you thought about His life and how He lived to serve those he came to save? Jesus stepped down from heaven And right into service He came He taught and He healed To serve is a gift But to use your gift to serve others, That is love That’s all He asked really, Is that we love others as He loved us To be as He was, a living sacrifice His body broken for us, Whipped and tortured But what defined His life was his acts Of love through service;
How could you not love and worship A man that gave everything so freely So that you and I could experience Joy, peace and His presence so deeply He was found feeding a crowd of people, Or washing the feet of His disciples Touching the hands of the lost And healing people with a soft touch An example to us to follow and not To sit idle Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice This is true worship Not the glitz and glam that the world Offers Which is merely temporary But an act so pure A tortured heart it could cure
Yes, I know The shoes of Jesus are much to fill But to strive for such acts Is truly God’s will Take a minute and think about it the world is already so dark; Children are dying and hope seems so far Families are being torn apart And love is becoming a quote on a Piece of art Instead of it being a physical part Of our daily life
I sometimes try to imagine what went on in The mind of our Lord Jesus And I can’t begin to imagine what He must Have thought of us To give His life, to die On a cross with a crown of thorns Dug into his head Can you comprehend, What willpower and strength it took For Him to walk that long rode up To Golgotha Carrying His own cross Knowing what was waiting when He got up there Can you do that for that person standing next to you Even though you don’t even know him or Her from the size of their shoe But that’s the beauty in this whole story, isn’t it? Jesus knew us before the world even Saw us
When Jesus walked on water It wasn’t just for show But to teach us to remain calm And keep our eyes focused on Him during all of life’s storms He lived out His purpose And through us it should continue A sacrifice at all costs Through the life of a servant
Jesus was and is the ultimate influencer His ways are not just trends for a season But a way of life Tried and tested For more than two thousand years
Make that move now and Step into service This is the mission That was given
Is that not what the word of God says; That whoever say they remain in Christ Should walk as Christ did? We have been called, for Jesus suffered for us Not just so that we can be saved but so that we might Remember Him and live and love and serve as He did We are to be imitators of our Lord Jesus With hearts and hands open to the possibility of being Able to give to others
Because at the end of the day, Jesus did not come To be served but to serve
Many stories have been told and so many artists have seen their dreams come true and so many others are yet to be realised. A place where art is expressed in so many forms. A place where audiences laugh, cry, shout for joy, and gasp in amazement. Where you and I can see ourselves represented through movement, dance, and storytelling. A place where some enter for the very first time and others bow out for the finale. The curtain opens and then it closes. The stage is imprinted with the footprints of ballet dancers, musicians, and actors leaving it all on the stage, baring their souls in hopes that the stories they tell and the scars they share might be beautiful to someone.
And then it’s done. The show is over. The applause has died down and the theatre is empty. The only remnants are empty wrappers and coke bottles on the floor and a heartbeat echoing off the walls.
This life has moved swiftly My hair has greyed My skin has paled i’m a little rounder plumper Objects may appear closer than what they are i hardly wear make-up now i tire easily and I have aches and pains i picked up
Along the way A train came and i travelled the years
My story changed as i turned the page and in the middle of the plot the characters too changed
i found myself in the middle of a poem
and then i stopped reading not wanting to know how the story unfolded Now i am here Hardly recognising the person i see reflected in the window the strangeness of a dream lingers familiar yet unknown
A few cracks and bruises
no one could have seen it coming
Watching the world go by in a
darkened tunnel
But there is light, there is always light as long as you’re willing to dig through the rubble i see it now as this joyride slows everything comes back into perspective
Ego will make you forget your gift. It will make you doubt if you even have one. It will make you chase and covert for someone else’s portion. Ego will make you place self-importance on yourself that doesn’t exist and get upset when no one else sees it. Ego will make you lose your identity because you’ll be so busy trying to be someone you’re not. It will depress you because you’ll end up unhappy in your skin. Ego will make you chase after praise and adoration while you forget to praise and adore the One who made you. Ego will feed you false confidence while serving you a buffet of insecurity.
Ego will make you want to quit the fight and then kick you once you’re down. Ego will tell you that you’re not good enough while you’re doing what you’ve been called for.
It will harden your heart and build walls around you with bricks named; “I don’t need help” “I can do it on my own” “I don’t need anyone else”
Ego will leave you lonely and isolated, with your nose turned up toward those who try to break down those very walls.
The ego is not your friend. It’s the lie we tell ourselves when we look in the mirror and say, “That’s just who I am”
I used to be embarrassed and annoyed to stand by the bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive. But now I realize what a gift it is, I am closer to the earth, closer to people.
I can smell the putrid smell of urine and smoke. I can feel the thunder of the vehicles as they speed by. I can look people in their eyes as I make way for them to pass around me. I can see the doves pecking at some invisible piece of food left, probably by the vendor that sits at the same place every day, selling the same stale snacks and single cigarettes. I can feel the wind in my eyes and the small leaves from the tree above me, fall onto my head, like rain.
My senses are awake and I too am aware.
I see the sweet elderly couple marching past me, dressed in their Sunday best,
even though it’s a Wednesday afternoon.
I hear the non-stop blaring of the taxis as they race past me, trying to fill up their seats so they can fill up their bellies.
There’s a homeless man on a bicycle, risking traffic to cross the street, not at all confident in the two wheel transportation, which is probably the only thing he owns.
I see the people by the traffic lights, handing out pamphlets for a car wash or your next real estate that you simply must have. Their bucket hats drawn down low as the sun hits down on their backs.
The half torn pamphlets on the street poles tell a different story, messages of finding a lost lover and maybe possibly becoming a better lover yourself.
It makes me wonder how many people have dialed that number.
I see them, the people in their cars, sitting with their thoughts, probably daydreaming of a different place and time and it is here where they allow me to bring their stories to life.
Colourful, interesting, sometimes happy and sometimes sad. Neither here nor there.
What a privilege it is to see people as they are from where I stand.
I see my bus finally arrive, a little relieved and a little sad because now I have to stop telling their stories and go make my own.
I used to be embarrassed to wait for the bus stop but now I realize, sometimes, that’s exactly where I am supposed to be.
Her eyes shine like diamonds, even when filled with tears. Her smile rivals the sun, even when upside down. Her voice blends in with the birds in the morning, even when it cracks. Her walk turns everyone’s heads, even when her energy is low. Her handsprovide the softest of touches, even when they are trembling. Her aura is full of love and positivity, even when surrounded by hate. Her personality is always bubbly, even when the room has gone flat. Her love is similar to the comfort of the softest pillow, even when sharp and deadly. Her mind is as powerful as a computer, even when it breaks down. Her soul speaks louder than her words, even when it is hidden. Her heart is caring and loving, even when it is broken. Her heart is sensitive and vulnerable, even when it is locked behind barriers.
She is beautiful, even when she doesn’t truly see it. .