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I desire You more, Lord
More than I desire bread to touch my lips
and fill my belly to give me the sensation of being satisfied
I crave the satisfaction of Your presence wholly in my life
I hunger desperately after You alone
For You alone to give me the bread of life
For You alone to provide living waters
I thirst after you, Lord
For You alone are my sustenance
My provider
I will strip myself bare only to be covered and embraced by You.
I want to forget everything the world has shoved down my throat
Detox my spirit and be filled with You by You

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Worship has a way of humbling a person and at the same time, convicting you.
The truth is, we all sin, none of us are perfect so when I’ve entertained the world and laughed at people’s misfortune, made fun of others, gossiped, spoke ill of others and generally just had a bad heart throughout the day, a worship song will bring me to tears and then to my knees.
It will not just move me but it will convict me. Worship should be the true word of God, it’s not just there to make you feel good. It has the power to bring you back to God and back to the heart of worship.
It will bring you face to face with your sins and then you are faced with the truth of who you are and who you are supposed to be. You are reminded that you are a child of God and that there is a certain way you’re meant to carry yourself and present yourself to the world. When you’re in true worship of Christ, your heart has no choice but to change.
You will end up repenting and crying out before God and asking for forgiveness, atleast that is my experience.
Because that is what God does, that is what worship does. It changes you and once you’ve experienced it before, you always want to go back, even when you’ve strayed. Because that is the power of worship.
That is the power of God.
He waits for you to find your way back and then welcomes you with open arms.

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Have you ever thought about the story of Jesus, really thought about it and
Tried to put yourself in his shoes?
Have you thought about how he was born into a humble family and home
Stepping down from His heavenly throne
He was never boastful or proud
To give His life for others was His vow
A king on a donkey
Into Jerusalem He rode
He walked amongst the earthly crowd
Service became His sacrifice
Despite being denied He was
Not once,
Not twice
But thrice

Have you thought about His life and
how He lived to serve those he came to save?
Jesus stepped down from heaven
And right into service He came
He taught and He healed
To serve is a gift
But to use your gift to serve others,
That is love
That’s all He asked really,
Is that we love others as He loved us
To be as He was, a living sacrifice
His body broken for us,
Whipped and tortured
But what defined His life was his acts
Of love through service;

How could you not love and worship
A man that gave everything so freely
So that you and I could experience
Joy, peace and His presence so deeply
He was found feeding a crowd of people,
Or washing the feet of His disciples
Touching the hands of the lost
And healing people with a soft touch
An example to us to follow and not
To sit idle
Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice
This is true worship

Not the glitz and glam that the world
Which is merely temporary
But an act so pure
A tortured heart it could cure

Yes, I know
The shoes of Jesus are much to fill
But to strive for such acts
Is truly God’s will
Take a minute and think about it
the world is already so dark;
Children are dying and hope seems so far
Families are being torn apart
And love is becoming a quote on a
Piece of art
Instead of it being a physical part
Of our daily life

I sometimes try to imagine what went on in
The mind of our Lord Jesus
And I can’t begin to imagine what He must
Have thought of us
To give His life, to die
On a cross with a crown of thorns
Dug into his head
Can you comprehend,
What willpower and strength it took
For Him to walk that long rode up
To Golgotha
Carrying His own cross
Knowing what was waiting when
He got up there
Can you do that for that person standing next to you
Even though you don’t even know him or
Her from the size of their shoe
But that’s the beauty in this whole story, isn’t it?
Jesus knew us before the world even
Saw us

When Jesus walked on water
It wasn’t just for show
But to teach us to remain calm
And keep our eyes focused on Him
during all of life’s storms
He lived out His purpose
And through us it should continue
A sacrifice at all costs
Through the life of a servant

Jesus was and is the ultimate influencer
His ways are not just trends for a season
But a way of life
Tried and tested
For more than two thousand years

Make that move now and
Step into service
This is the mission
That was given

Is that not what the word of God says;
That whoever say they remain in Christ
Should walk as Christ did?
We have been called, for Jesus suffered for us
Not just so that we can be saved but so that we might
Remember Him and live and love and serve as He did
We are to be imitators of our Lord Jesus
With hearts and hands open to the possibility of being
Able to give to others

Because at the end of the day,
Jesus did not come
To be served but to serve

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Death is so sudden. We never know when it’s going to visit us. Whether directly or indirectly.
I was watching a video of someone who had just lost a loved one and he said that it was so sudden, no one expected this person to die. He had spoken to this person just the day before and there was no indication of sickness whatsoever and now she was gone.

Even when we know someone is at the end of their life, whether by old age or illness, we can’t always accept that they are about to leave us. And once they do, that void left behind is so palpable, so tangible.

So many people are experiencing loss lately. I see it everywhere.

I work in news and I see death on a daily basis. At times, I feel a bit disensititized and then I have to remind myself, that someone has lost a loved one and that it could have easily been me in that situation.

It’s strange though, before I lost my mother in 2020, I didn’t understand death or its impact but now, it’s as if I can feel everyone’s pain, everyone’s grief because it reminds me of my own.

Isn’t funny though, how something like death can be the thread that connects us?

Life is short and death is sudden. I don’t think we realize that any day can be our last. We are busy making plans for tomorrow but don’t know if tomorrow is on our calendar.

We haven’t accepted it. Our human minds can’t comprehend it.

I was watching a show and one of the characters delivered the following line:

“All we can do is the best we can with the time that is given to us”

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘Live each day as if it’s your last’
but what if we lived each day as if it were our first?
Full of wonder and curiosity and joy, love and gratitude. Untainted by heartache, pain, loss, grief, anger, hate or unforgiveness.
But rather as if we’re experiencing the world for the very first time.
With a gentle approach, an open mind, and a receiving heart.

We don’t know when our last day on earth will be.
All we have is today. You can choose how you spend it.

There are many things I wish I could have said to my mother before she died and sadly, we only realize these things afterwards but we still have many other loved ones we can cherish and appreciate.

Don’t waste it. Be kind, loving gentle, and compassionate.
Be good.

Our behavior and actions are all we can control.

Death is out of our hands. How we live our life that has been gifted to us is all we have.

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Lessons in life will be taught, until they are learned.

Recently, my phone reset back to factory settings; I lost all my apps, my contacts, my photos, videos, my notes I made on my notepad, everything. The phone was completely emptied of anything that has ever represented me or anything to show who I am, what I hold dear and what I love and enjoy.
Everything was gone.

Naturally, I was upset. How could years of data simply disappear without warning? I thought to myself, why does this have to happen to me?

Then it hit me.

You see, my phone and everything that was ever on it, was basically a part of me. I always have my phone in my hands. I have it on my side table next to our bed. I have it in hand when I go anywhere and everywhere. I am always scrolling on social media and my head is always down, looking at this small screen in my hand.
My phone was my Bible.

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It was during the hours that my phone was formatted and it was off; I had time to think and God was speaking to me – He basically told me in no uncertain terms, there will be no other gods before Him.

My phone was the one thing that I could not live without and if you read my previous blog post, you’d know that I have been struggling spiritually – I haven’t been able to read my Bible, to speak to God or just simply experience the Holy Spirit.

And now my phone basically crashes and I come to the realisation that I have been prioritising everything else above Jesus. I have been worshipping my phone, social media and everything else that comes with having this device.

The reason that I have been struggling in my relationship with God is simply because I have turned my back on Him and I have put other things before Him.

You might be reading this and rolling your eyes and thinking, ‘not another life lesson’ – that’s probably what I would do if I didn’t believe that God uses every opportunity and every experience to show Himself.  This is what I know to be true and I know that anything that takes the place of Jesus in your life, is another form of worship- whether its your phone, your friends, your job or career. If God doesn’t take priority in your life, if He is not at the center of everything, that message will be made clear to you in some way, shape or form.

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I have been making the mistake of picking up my phone in the morning, before I even open up my Bible. I like and laugh at videos on social media, before I even write or share something from the Bible. I read other people’s stories but don’t share my own testimony and truth be told, I have so much to share.

A very powerful message that I heard in church today, that reminded me about my purpose on this earth as a child of God, is to feed people with faith, hope and love and to be witness of God’s work in my life.

This is what I am doing by writing and sharing this post. I am testifying about what God has done for me over the past day and I hope to instill in you a sense of faith that God will show up for you exactly when you need it and hope that it doesn’t matter how far you fall, Jesus is always there. He is exactly where you left him, that as a child of God, He will always be there to guide you, to correct you and to lead you onto the right path. And the knowledge, that nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from the love of God.

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

So here I am now, back to the start. Back to my own factory settings, hoping to work on filling my life with more of God and less of me.

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God works in mysterious ways.
I have been going through a season where I’ve been experiencing a spiritual drought; I’ve been struggling to pray. I haven’t read my Bible, I haven’t been speaking to God, and I haven’t been able to listen to worship music – I’ve been struggling and feeling so guilty. It’s been going on for weeks, but some light came through the darkness today.
I went to church this morning, even though, at some point, I told myself I didn’t want to go.
Remember how I said I haven’t been able to pray? Well, today, I prayed, and I cried.
But let me start at our praise and worship rehearsal earlier in the week, on Thursday. I wasn’t myself; I couldn’t worship sincerely, and my heart, soul, and spirit weren’t there. Then, my husband asked me to pray at the rehearsal, which I did, but I wasn’t entirely in it. Now to Sunday, today—I was asked to pray at our pre-service prayer, and then I was asked to pray again when the actual service started to open.
I almost found it comical, but I knew God was working. He put me in a public place where I had to pray for others and made me realize it wasn’t about me. The people who came to the service this morning needed a touch from Jesus, myself included, and the Lord gave me that by putting me in a position where I had to pray for others.
It all brought me to tears throughout the entire Sunday service. At some point, I was on my knees, simply giving thanks to God for working in my life, bringing me back to His throne, and helping me find my way back to Him.
I am not 100% okay yet, but the walls are definitely coming down. For now, for today, this is my testimony about what God did in my life today, and I am truly grateful.

PS: I have also been battling with my writing and my creativity. This is the first blog post I’ve shared in weeks, and I credit it all to Jesus. Another thing I am grateful for.

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I have decided to set some goals for myself which I’ve dubbed Soul Goals. These are the goals that will feed my soul and my spirit and create inner peace and healing. I think as much as we want external success in terms of our careers and families and financial state, having inner success is much more important and can actually contribute to the external goals and successes. I think there is also less pressure to showcase these soul goals but its equally important that you work on it every single day.

One way I have found to work on it, is to journal; to write down everything about my day. The good and the bad and see where I’ve achieved these special goals.

So here are a few of my personal soul goals. I will probably add to it as time goes on.

  • Be present in every moment and take in everything around you; the sun, sky, flowers, sounds and smells
  • Listen more intently
  • Be more loving
  • Be kinder
  • Visit new places
  • Be more positive
  • Journal more
  • Spend more time in God’s presence
  • Write and read more poetry
  • Rest when necessary
  • Take more pictures and more videos
  • Take more walks
  • Appreciate every single day, find the good in every day
  • Forgive yourself
  • Smile more; at loved ones and at strangers
  • Play more games
  • Appreciate your own physical self; take care of your health
  • Love yourself – You are wonderfully and fearfully made
  • Let go of the guilt
  • Don’t be afraid to enjoy yourself and doing things that you enjoy
  • Stop rushing through every day, walk slower, breath slower

These might seem insignificant when others have bigger goals of buying cars and homes and growing in their careers, which are all amazing and I too have some of those goals but I have felt lately that I have neglected my inner being, my inner child and I’m hoping by working on these soul goals, I will be able to achieve more peace within my spirit and take care of the inner self.

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Do you realize that time never stops?
It’s always moving.
Sometimes it flutters by like a butterfly
And other times it strolls past, in no rush
With all at ease.
But it is always moving forward.
Even when we don’t.
Especially when we don’t.
Time keeps moving.
It truly waits for no one
It doesn’t check or looks back
To see if you’re following or keeping up
It doesn’t shout back and tells you to hurry up.
Time is it’s own master

And you can either be it’s slave
Or it’s partner

It feels no pity for you
It doesn’t share in your joy when you make it
It doesn’t get angry when you ask it to wait or slow down
Time is determined
It is disciplined
It is silent in its dominance
It knows nothing of excuses or procrastination
It changes days and seasons
It moves with purpose and answers to no one
Time has no attachments
It does not love
It does not own
It does not desire
And in that lies it’s power.

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If you believe that you are working and walking in the will of God and if you believe that everything you are doing and experiencing is part of a bigger God-ordained plan for your life, then you must know that nothing is by chance.
Everything you’re doing and experiencing; the ladders you are climbing and the opportunities that are coming your way and every door that you walk through, every meeting you attend, every person you meet, every place where you find yourself, it is all part of God’s will and purpose for your life.
Nothing is a coincidence. Nothing is by chance. Everything is anointed and should be treated as such.
If that is truly what you believe and what you know, then you should take nothing for granted.
You should set your mind on things above. You should treat every meeting, every person you come in contact with, every opportunity, and every level of access you acquire as if it is coming directly from above. Directly from God.
Because again, if you’re tapped into the vision God has given you and the messages from God, it most likely will come to pass and you need to make sure that you are always prepared.
For this reason, you always need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You always need to remember what the root core of everything that you are doing, is. You need to be in the Spirit at all times.
If you haven’t finished your mission, why are you asleep? Why are you wasting your own time?
Why are you not meditating on the Word or in the Spirit?
Why are you playing games?
Have you done what God has called you to do?
Are you really done?
Never mind what everyone else is doing; keep to your business unless God tells you to involve another.
Pray over everything.
Consult God about everything.
We are not merely here to live and then die.
We have a purpose and a mission and it’s our responsibility to pursue that.

Originally published in 2019 on my Medium platform

self aware, self reflection


I woke up the other morning, irritated and grumpy because of a small insignificant matter and I ended up taking it out on my family. I wasn’t in control of my emotions, I let it run wild and ruined what could have been a perfectly good morning. It led me to pray and ask God to help me control these feelings I get of annoyance, irritability and anger, especially when its for no good reason. The Holy Spirit prompted me to read Galatians 5, it speaks on the fruits of the Spirit and what our lives should produce when we live by the Spirit.

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, humility and self-control”

That self-control one is tricky for me, especially when it comes to my feelings and reactions – I’m a very emotional person and I can be reactive at times. I get irritated when things don’t happen when and how they are supposed to happen and now and then I can have an angry outburst. I know it’s not pretty but if we lack self-awareness, we’ll never be able to deal with the deeper issues of the problem. When I read Galatians 5 vs 19, it said the following:

“When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear; sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties and other sins…”

For me, hostility, quarreling and outbursts of anger are what I battle with. Especially at home and in the mornings when we have to get done for the day and things are not happening as fast or as smoothly as I want it to happen. But I’ve realised and maybe you can relate if this is something you also struggle with, that getting angry or irritated won’t solve the problem or make circumstances more ideal. In fact, it might make them worse. It will sow division in your home and everybody will end up being in a bad mood. It certainly is not the way to start or end a day.

So that has been my prayer lately. That God helps me to stay in control of my emotions and teaches me patience or teaches me how to be patient when I experience less than ideal circumstances and that I don’t just get angry or frustrated at anything or anyone over small matters.

Another verse in Galatians which is sort if the core for me is verse 13. It reads as follows;

“Don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead use your freedom to serve one anther in love, for the whole law can be summed up in this one command ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’

Galatians 5 is full of wisdom and basically teaches us that we should let the Holy Spirit lead us, lead our lives, actions and thoughts. It speaks of how the sinful nature only wants to do evil;

“And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions”

Every morning when you open your eyes, you are entering the battlefield of your mind, in fact, the battle has already started while you were sleeping. When you wake up, that’s when you choose on which side you are fighting on. Are you on the side of your sinful nature or are you on the side of the Holy Spirit?

Every day is a battle and it’s easier to give in to sin than it is to surrender all we know to God but then we need to ask ourselves, what do we want more and what is worth sacrificing?

Galatians 5 vs 24 ends the passage with the following:

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited or provoke one another or be jealous of one another”

So this will be my guide and my prayer and I hope it can be yours as well, with whatever sinful nature you are struggling with. I pray that our lives will be filled and reflect the fruits of the Spirit and that we don’t give in to our sinful actions at the expense of our loved ones.

A little self-awareness and introspection can go a long way. Below is a video of a poem I wrote about the battles we face in our minds.