Worship has a way of humbling a person and at the same time, convicting you.
The truth is, we all sin, none of us are perfect so when I’ve entertained the world and laughed at people’s misfortune, made fun of others, gossiped, spoke ill of others and generally just had a bad heart throughout the day, a worship song will bring me to tears and then to my knees.
It will not just move me but it will convict me. Worship should be the true word of God, it’s not just there to make you feel good. It has the power to bring you back to God and back to the heart of worship.
It will bring you face to face with your sins and then you are faced with the truth of who you are and who you are supposed to be. You are reminded that you are a child of God and that there is a certain way you’re meant to carry yourself and present yourself to the world. When you’re in true worship of Christ, your heart has no choice but to change.
You will end up repenting and crying out before God and asking for forgiveness, atleast that is my experience.
Because that is what God does, that is what worship does. It changes you and once you’ve experienced it before, you always want to go back, even when you’ve strayed. Because that is the power of worship.
That is the power of God.
He waits for you to find your way back and then welcomes you with open arms.