Have you ever thought about the story of Jesus, really thought about it and
Tried to put yourself in his shoes?
Have you thought about how he was born into a humble family and home
Stepping down from His heavenly throne
He was never boastful or proud
To give His life for others was His vow
A king on a donkey
Into Jerusalem He rode
He walked amongst the earthly crowd
Service became His sacrifice
Despite being denied He was
Not once,
Not twice
But thrice
Have you thought about His life and
how He lived to serve those he came to save?
Jesus stepped down from heaven
And right into service He came
He taught and He healed
To serve is a gift
But to use your gift to serve others,
That is love
That’s all He asked really,
Is that we love others as He loved us
To be as He was, a living sacrifice
His body broken for us,
Whipped and tortured
But what defined His life was his acts
Of love through service;
How could you not love and worship
A man that gave everything so freely
So that you and I could experience
Joy, peace and His presence so deeply
He was found feeding a crowd of people,
Or washing the feet of His disciples
Touching the hands of the lost
And healing people with a soft touch
An example to us to follow and not
To sit idle
Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice
This is true worship
Not the glitz and glam that the world
Which is merely temporary
But an act so pure
A tortured heart it could cure
Yes, I know
The shoes of Jesus are much to fill
But to strive for such acts
Is truly God’s will
Take a minute and think about it
the world is already so dark;
Children are dying and hope seems so far
Families are being torn apart
And love is becoming a quote on a
Piece of art
Instead of it being a physical part
Of our daily life
I sometimes try to imagine what went on in
The mind of our Lord Jesus
And I can’t begin to imagine what He must
Have thought of us
To give His life, to die
On a cross with a crown of thorns
Dug into his head
Can you comprehend,
What willpower and strength it took
For Him to walk that long rode up
To Golgotha
Carrying His own cross
Knowing what was waiting when
He got up there
Can you do that for that person standing next to you
Even though you don’t even know him or
Her from the size of their shoe
But that’s the beauty in this whole story, isn’t it?
Jesus knew us before the world even
Saw us
When Jesus walked on water
It wasn’t just for show
But to teach us to remain calm
And keep our eyes focused on Him
during all of life’s storms
He lived out His purpose
And through us it should continue
A sacrifice at all costs
Through the life of a servant
Jesus was and is the ultimate influencer
His ways are not just trends for a season
But a way of life
Tried and tested
For more than two thousand years
Make that move now and
Step into service
This is the mission
That was given
Is that not what the word of God says;
That whoever say they remain in Christ
Should walk as Christ did?
We have been called, for Jesus suffered for us
Not just so that we can be saved but so that we might
Remember Him and live and love and serve as He did
We are to be imitators of our Lord Jesus
With hearts and hands open to the possibility of being
Able to give to others
Because at the end of the day,
Jesus did not come
To be served but to serve