Inspire | Motivate | Write

Words IN Verse

Words IN verse

Inspire | Motivate | Write

Ego. Ego will make you forget your gift.It will make you doubt if you even have one.It will make you chase and …

Death is so sudden. We never know when it’s going to visit us. Whether directly or indirectly.I was watching a video of …

I used to be embarrassed and annoyed to stand by the bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive.But now I …

The evening lights whizzed past me in a blur, I stared out the window, watching the moon smile and follow the cab …

I found myself at a crossroads in this election. For the first time since I started voting at the age of 34, …

Lessons in life will be taught, until they are learned. Recently, my phone reset back to factory settings; I lost all my …

God works in mysterious ways.I have been going through a season where I’ve been experiencing a spiritual drought; I’ve been struggling to …

I did the one thing I’ve always wanted to do but it was also the one thing I was most afraid of …

Her eyes shine like diamonds,even when filled with tears.Her smile rivals the sun,even when upside down.Her voice blends in with the birds …

I have decided to set some goals for myself which I’ve dubbed Soul Goals. These are the goals that will feed my …

I don’t want to pretend that I am not exhausted or that my body doesn’t feel like it is giving in. I’ve …

I miss my mother and I think I’ve missed her the most this year, this is excluding the year she died. I …

Do you realize that time never stops?It’s always moving.Sometimes it flutters by like a butterflyAnd other times it strolls past, in no …

If you believe that you are working and walking in the will of God and if you believe that everything you are …

Everything beautiful is what I desireWalking on the beach, shoes in handA sunset or sunrise peeking over the horizonRainy days in a …

I woke up the other morning, irritated and grumpy because of a small insignificant matter and I ended up taking it out …

I still love sad poetry.I love to know that hearts are still able to heal after suffering.It brings me comfort to know …

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE INTENTIONAL? When I searched the meaning of the word ‘intentional,’ I found the following definition;‘done on …

Sweet girl, You will have your heart broken. It is unavoidable. It is part of life. It will feel like your world …

Yesterday I met a woman. This woman was me in many ways, except for the reasons she wasn’t. She was a woman …

Broken, beaten, and bruised,Alienated, ashamed, and forgotten,I found myself on my knees,No beauty, no prettiness,Crushed by fear too heavy to bear. Then …

We are conditioned to believe we must be punished when we make a mistake. When we instead should have been taught that …

Sometimes you get to climb the top really quickly and other times, you get eaten by snakes. This is a lesson I …

I was thinking about distractions this morning. We woke up to start our day, and there were elements of distractions that cut …

My husband and I started our new morning routine. It opened my eyes as well as my mind. The power and presence …

I never imagined going down 13 thousand feet into the ocean,cold and dark all around, trapped in a small space with only …

I visit God on Sundaysand always wear my bestI walk into the church, humble in heartand pray to repent for my ungodly …

TearsMy tears are not hot and drythey are not hidden behind my eyesor stuck in my throatThey are an overwhelming oceana riptide …

It’s going to hurt until it no longer does.It’s going to tear at you and pull you apartUntil you learn to put …

I don’t want to lie on my deathbed someday; whether that eventually is thirty or forty years or three weeks from now; …


It’s another TuesdayAnother week in, another one is on its way outAnother day feeling like the day beforeI wear tiredness like an …

It’s very easy to fall back into sin; to fall back into your old habits before you gave your life to Christ. …

I used to sit on my mother’s lap Out on the balcony Watching cars go by Talking about nothing and everything She …

Sitting in what they call a comfort room after 8 in the morning I’m watching the door to the theatre Watching the …

Was my skin too dark for you? Was my hair too coarse for you? Was my voice too loud for you? Could …

The writing’s on the wall; stones and sticks and clay and bricks tell the stories of our history written in blood and …

The past 6 weeks have been completely exhausting for me. Work has been a non-stop rollercoaster, the start of the new school …

To the woman sitting alone in her empty houseFull of memories and mementos, wondering where it all went wrong,I was you.To the …

What is the main message of the Book of Haggai? “Haggai encourages those who have just returned from exile to remain faithful, obedient, …

Writing is a release for me. Almost like therapy but without the talking. When I write down my feelings and thoughts that …

Author : Jessamine Chan First published : 2022 Okay, this book was difficult to read. As a mother and as a woman, …

we are shaped by our experiences but we can choose how to live out those experiences. We choose how to live, we …

He sits with me, hollow and heavy I can’t breath I hide in the shadows Hoping he won’t find me Forgetting that …

The 11th of October. That’s the last time I wrote a blog post and in all honesty, I didn’t write it from …

Throughout your life you will probably hear phrases such as, “A woman brought you into this world and she can take out …

WOMEN’S CONFERENCE This past weekend, I attended a women’s conference at our church. Pastor Gugu Dlamini was the keynote speaker and delivered …

I’ve written about this topic before on a previous blog platform under the same title but I feel like I need to …

I’ve been thinking about mental health or mental illness for some time now, and like most people, I’ve been there. I call …

Being a writer is a very lonely thing to be.Unlike a band of musicians working together to create a symphony;a writer is …

I see you. I see how hard you work and how tired you are. I see how you sacrifice Friday nights to …

Have you ever heard or read the quote, “Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned”, well that quote rings …

Sitting outside feeling pressed, smelling the dog next to me.The sun’s heat warms my skin.Hearing bird songs and little insects all around …

MISSED OPPORTUNITIES IS LIKE MISSING THE TRAIN I’ve been thinking a lot about missed opportunities of late. It reminds me of the …

I previously wrote a blog on what I’ve learned from running a business but due to the fact that I continuously learn …

So, birthdays. A time to celebrate and be grateful that God has blessed uswith more time on this earth. A time to …

I wasn’t ready to lose my mother when she died in 2020. I was 28 years old; still figuring things out, finding …

You have such an important role as a wife and a mother. Your ability to nurture, love, care and encourage is God-given. …

These hard, tiring and busy days won’t last. Some day you will look back and know that all the hard work and …

Do not pity meFor my God moves mountainsAnd parts the oceans. Do not feel sorry for me,For my Father in heaven created …

This month I celebrate my 30th birthday. The last 30 years seem to have gone by in a blur but there were …

Relationships are hard; we all know that and I’m sure sometimes it feels as if we’re failing at it. This goes for …

STARTING A BUSINESS Last year my husband and I registered our company Fray Music Academy. In April it will be a year …

MEETING THE MATRIARCH This past December, my family and I took a road trip to East London in the Eastern Cape. I …

I hope you fall in love with yourself. I hope you know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I hope you …

Dear God, Fill me up with the knowledge of Your will for my life. Fill me with all the understanding and wisdom …

Advertising and marketing have been around for ages. What has changed throughout the ages is the methodology that is used to advertise …

PART 3 – FIGHTING TEMPTATION We all struggle with temptation, and we all give in to sin. Luckily for us, God knows our …

LAUNCHED 31st OCTOBER 2021 It was fun to be a part of this project. I recall, when the Whatsapp group opened, and …

LIVING WITH A CHRONIC CONDITION The other day I had three consecutive seizures at my workplace. When I wrote this piece, I …

LEADING THE WAY You don’t manage a team as if you’re the only person on the team. Whether you manage a huge …

FEAR AND BEING A CHRONIC OVER-APOLOGISER I’ve always had this fear of confrontation. Speaking to people or addressing issues with people that …

Today a mother buried a child.Sitting in the rows behind herIn the church,I watch her;Straight back.Head covered.Blank face.Dignified sadness that she carries. …

Your smile and your smirk are the same to me. I can’t see the difference between your sharp navy suit and your …

I find myself being terribly emotional lately, I’m always choking on tears and having to look away when I’m in a public …

I have to admit, it took me a while to really sit down and read this book. I think mostly because of …

IT IS TIME Tears cocoon fearin the eyes of our girlswho were raised to conformto the double standards setwho stalk the streets …

I stare at her in the dirty mirror on the wall She stares back at me, all the cracks showing Unwilling to …

TRUTH UNCOVERED When I was nine months old my father was brutally murdered by an Apartheid assassin by the name of Eugene …

Watching Connie Ferguson at her husband’s funeral broke my heart. I can’t imagine saying goodbye to my husband of only 4 months, imagine the …

IT DOESN’T SEEM TO END, DOES IT? Every single day we hear or read about someone dying. They become a number in …

Earlier today: It’s Saturday afternoon, the house is quiet, the wind is howling outside, keeping the sun company. It seems like a …

The other day I heard two young girls speak on the train on my way home. The one said to the other; …

I was looking at myself in the mirror the other day and I didn’t like what I saw. I felt miserable because …

You step differently when you walk in your purpose.You feel stronger and more confident. You know that when you have challenges, you …

Little one,From the womb whence you came,Only to be discarded on the side of the road.Oh, baby!Wrapped in plastic,Near the stench of …

A MOMENT TO CHANGE A LIFE There comes a moment in a woman’s life, it comes quietly and without even knowing it …

A DESPERATE NEED I need to create and leave something behind that will live long after I’m gone. I don’t want to …

I came across this term last year, I think. If I’m honest, I’ve never heard of it before coming across the post …

PART 2 – LOVE IS SACRIFICE God’s love is sacrifice. The most obvious and clear example of that sacrificial love is God …

This will be my first Mother’s Day without my mom. In her honour, I’d like to share only 10 of the many …

How do you say goodbye to the person who changed your life forever? I have been forced to find an answer to …

I often think of the days that I use to perch on your lapAnd grab you around your neckAnd kiss your aging …

Lord, Your word says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans” — Proverbs 16 vs 3 …

PART 1 – THE ROLE OF A MOTHER AND WIFE As I’m writing this, my husband and myself have only been married …

“A reminder that selling 3000 copies of a novel in South Africa is considered a bestseller. And yet we struggle to sell …

Is it how we conduct ourselves in the presence of women and children, or how we go above and beyond to support …

They say black don’t crackbut his neck did crackwhen a knee was benton a strong black neck. In an unofficial act,a figure …

This is for the creatives. The musicians. The writers and poets. The painters and artists. For the ideas that grow in your …

What does that mean? It means that while you wait for God to give you a sign as to which direction your …

Death doesn’t rest. It’s relentless in its pursuits. It has an insatiable hunger that is never satisfied. It is quick, you don’t …

Once in a while you come across a person who shines a beautiful and pure light, right from their soul and spirit. …

We are all in different seasons of our lives. It might not be the season you want to be in but right …

Many of us have felt the pressure to achieve goals and resolutions in the new year. Many of us (myself included) haven’t …